The market takes place every Tuesday afternoon from 3pm at Riverside Park, Moruya
The demand for quality, local food is growing and as more farmers join our market, our local food system is growing too.
It was the surf that first attracted Tim Saffery to the far South Coast of NSW, but it was ‘the River’ restaurant that lured him to Moruya from Melbourne, where he had been ‘young chef of the year’ in 2003.
Egans Farm at Runnyford sells fresh, free range eggs and grass fed Angus Beef.
Old Mill Road BioFarm at Turlinjah is a family run business, with Kirsti and Fraser at the heart of the operation.
Each week NSD brings an assortment of freshly caught seafood to the market including Snapper, Flathead, Wrasse, Rock Cod and Sea Bream.