Upriver Garlic


Up River Garlic is a family owned farm situated on the Deua River in the Araluen Valley.  Various garlic varieties are available when in season.  Particularly popular is their braided (or plaited) garlic.


Also in Meet The Producers

Egan's Farm Runnyford
Egan's Farm Runnyford

Egans Farm at Runnyford sells fresh, free range eggs and grass fed Angus Beef.


Kirsti and Fraser Old Mill Road
Old Mill Road BioFarm

Old Mill Road BioFarm at Turlinjah is a family run business, with Kirsti and Fraser at the heart of the operation.


McAsh Oysters
McAsh Oysters

Our farm is located on the Clyde River, South Coast (Eurobodalla Nature Coast) NSW. The Clyde River is renowned for its clean water that flows through national parks and forestry areas.