SAGE Executive Meeting — 14 July, 2011


In Stuart Whitelaw’s absence Stuart Scobie chaired the meeting.

Stuart Scobie, Janet Kohler-Bond, Penny Cook, Fraser Bailey

Stuart Whitelaw, John Bourne

1. Minutes of the previous meeting
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted by Stuart Scobie and seconded by Janet Kohler-Bond Carried

Matters arising
Fraser revisited the issue of a produce policy and was advised that the two Stuarts would begin work on this when Stuart Whitelaw returns from holidays.

2. Financial report/budget status
Janet reported a bank balance as at 30 June 2011 of $20746.29, a cash book balance of $15,458.88 which takes into account unpresented cheques. We have a general balance of $7,017.28. There was discussion about the reconciliation of the grant monies.

Janet will go ahead and engage an accountant to complete an end-of-year audit on the books.

3. Funding applications
The Caring for Country grant application has been completed and sent off. Work has commenced on another grant for monies to fund a part-time coordinator.

Stuart Scobie will make some enquiries as to our eligibility if we do not have ‘not for profit’ status and will complete the application if we are still eligible.

It was decided to apply for 3 years funding plus some capital funds to build a roof for the SAGE ‘house’.

4. SEH and river feast
Penny has organised a meeting of interested people to be held at the working bee. It was agreed that the feast should be catered for this year and any up-front payments will be made from the SAGE account.

5. Blackberry and rabbit eradication
Peter Gow has advised that the blackberries growing along the creek bank, and the rabbits, need to be eradicated. After discussion about how this would affect our organic status it was agreed that we should explore the process of cutting and painting. It was also agreed that he could go ahead with poisoning of the rabbits with Pindone.

Fraser will investigate the safety of this to birds and other animals.

Stuart Scobie moved a motion that we contact Peter Gow to agree to the rabbit poisoning as soon as possible on the proviso that Pindone is safe to use, and that we will advise Peter of our preference regarding the blackberries before spring. Seconded Fraser Bayley Carried
Stuart will send an email to Peter regarding this.

6. AGM
It was agreed to hold the AGM on 21 August at the next working bee.

Penny will advertise this to the members plus local press and a notice at the SAGE block.

Matters to be discussed will include the SAGE plan. It was also agreed to have a barbeque plus a home brew/wine tasting.

7. Working bee
The following will be undertaken at Sunday’s working bee:

  • Information session about wicking beds
  • Fluffing of mulch around garlic
  • Emptying existing wicking bed to fix the leak
  • Distributing worm juice on vegetables
  • Relocating lavender from the herb garden to the ‘house’ path
  • Six-bed rotation garden cleanup in preparation for upgrading
  • General tidying up.

There will be worm juice available to those who bring their own containers.

8. Any other business
Helen Kay has suggested we have a link on our website to the CERES garden website in Melbourne which has a lot of useful resources.

Penny will ask Kate Raymond to do this.

Meeting closed at 5.30 pm

Also in AGMs & other meetings


2024 AGM

NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at:

SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537

on Sunday 25 August 2024 at 11am.


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at: SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537 on 19 August 2023 at 11am.