SAGE AGM – 17 August 2014

SAGE Annual General Meeting

17 August 2014 @ 10.30 a.m.


You can download a pdf version of the minutes AGM Minutes August 17 2014-2.

1. Welcome

Attendance: Fraser Bayley, Stuart Whitelaw, Katrina Cathcart, Joe Hooper, Judith Egan, Wendy Jones, Kate Raymond, Peter Gow, Kyle Levier, Penny Ryan, Phillip Myssonski, Penny Cook, Shirley Taylor, Wendy Dumaresq, Dennis Pont, Peter Freeman, Adrian Cram, Trevor and Georgie Moore, Mark & Elizabeth Barraclough, Kate Johnson, Lya Kiviaru, John Bourne, Bill Nagle, Tina Clare, Geoff Scott, Marie Zuvich.

2. Apologies

Caroline Power, Dallis Tanner, Chris Cameron, Sandra Makdessi, Phyliss Westbury, Stuart Scobie, Alda Rudzis, Judy Humphrey

3. Minutes of last year’s AGM

Apology missing from Geoff. Rectify spelling of Alda and Gerts’ name

4. Matters arising

5. President’s report

  • Busy year. Fabulous. Rebranding with SAGE’s many components. So the Block, engagement with council & community, education, Southeast Harvest and Farmers Market all being arms of the organisation. So semi-independent groups.
  • Developed the video with assistance of SELS (South East Land Services)
  • Won ABC Delicious Magazine’s Farmers’ Market of the Year award. Would like to see Farmers’ Market as a twice weekly event.
  • Sandra has done an amazing job with education having developed a year’s worth of activities. But have probably saturated our local market with people seriously interested in growing. So? But perhaps SAGE may generate more income to be able to offer more paid work.
  • Council engagement starting to develop. Sarah Cooper has become a great ally. Andrew Greenway and she from Council’s Business Development are starting to see how we are indeed a local business.
  • Market Gardener position: Kyle has finished his year and has leased land from Barry Crapp so we have achieved what set out to do. Kat Cathcart has started as new market gardener.
  • The block has developed with all helpers incl Penny, Judy and Monica all working hard, and incl Alda taking excess produce from here and markets to local refuges which has had far-reaching effects on the eating habits of their residents
  • Southeast Harvest coming together for 7-9 November incl Sat night’s feast, Fri night’s Chew the Fat, Sat’s Harvest festival, Sun’s Open Day at SAGE
  • Seedsavers started by Stuart Scobie. Great results so far using locally-acclimatised seedstock.
  • Finally got the DA for our current “house/roof” structure. Now to start work on disabled composting dunny with ramp, seedraising area, orchard fencing.
  • Now have power and lights

6. Financial report

Report from Geoff will be on website soon but important points:

  • About $25,000 in various bank accounts, similar to last year, so holding our own
  • Thanks to Peter Gow for facilitating a grant of $3000 for SEH. Lots of other grants have also been forthcoming.
  • Particular thanks to Kyle for selling his veggies at the market from which we got $1400. Esp impressive when our component of his takings comprise only 30%
  • About $7000 profit made from workshops.
  • Yet to break even on sale of recipe books
  • Spent $6700 for power and water system
  • Finally paid Sandra for newsletter work.
  • Now have 4 separate accounts
  • Farmers Market now returning just over $100 a week profit

7. Election of office bearers

  • President/Public Officer: Fraser Bayley by public acclaim. Nom by Stuart Whitelaw; Sec by Geoff Scott
  • Secretary: Kyle Levier. Nom by Fraser Bayley; Sec Penny Cook
  • Minutes Secretary: Shirley Taylor. Nom Penny Cook; Sec Wendy Jones
  • Treasurer: Geoff Scott. Nom Kate Raymond; Sec Adrian Cram
  • Committee members

– Past president – Stuart Whitelaw

– Council and media liaison: Stuart Whitelaw. Nom Penny Cook; Sec Marie Zuvich. Trevor Moore. Nom Stuart Whitelaw; Sec Fraser Bayley

– Education officer: Sandra Makdessi. Nom Bill Nagle; Sec Penny Cook

– Media Coordinator: Kate Raymond. Nom Adrian Cram; Sec Penny Ryan. Stuart Whitelaw. Nom Judith Egan; Sec Wendy Jones

– Working bee coordinators: Wendy Jones. Nom Penny Ryan; Sec Penny Cook. Kat Cathcart. Nom Marie Zuvich; Sec Geoff Scott.

– Newsletter Coordinator: Sandra Makdessi. Nom Trevor Moore; Sec Peter Freeman

– Allotment coordinator: TBA. Fraser will speak to allotment holders and find one of them

– SAGE block maintenance coordinator: Mark Barraclough. Nom Marie Zuvich; Sec Penny Cook

– Charity Food coordinator: Alda Rudzis. Nom Penny Cook; Sec Marie Zuvich

  • Subcommittees

– Southeast Harvest Festival: Kate, Stuart, Fraser, Marie, Tina, Shirley, Wendy, Lya (And Mark & Liz??)

– Farmers Market: Kate, Sandra, Hughen, Isabelle, Penny Cook, Stuart Whitelaw

Vote of thanks to all committee members from Penny Ryan

8. Close of AGM: 11.30am

Post meeting:Peter Gow introduced Liz Barraclough who has volunteered to be a general committee member with a view to becoming more involved in the future. Marie to email her to attend next meeting:

Other new emails: (Trevor Moore), (Georgie Moore), (Wendy Dumaresq), (Shirley Taylor) (Lya)

Also in AGMs & other meetings


2024 AGM minutes
2024 AGM

NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at:

SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537

on Sunday 25 August 2024 at 11am.


NOTICE OF ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of SAGE NSW incorporated is to be held at: SAGE Garden at 110 Queen St Moruya NSW 2537 on 19 August 2023 at 11am.